B2B Marketing Automation Workflows

Thousands of leads are in your CRM database. Some of them are most likely to convert into customers and some of them are not fitting for your business. So how do you weed out and nurture them into the sales funnel?

Of course! Marketing automation workflows are the best way to convert leads to customers.

Workflows are the secret recipe that makes nurture campaigns so efficient and effective! You are probably aware of the power of well-executed marketing automation tactics but which specific workflow will work for your business? Which workflow should you focus on to improve lead quality and increase your marketing productivity?

We have figured out a marketing automation workflows that we think all B2B markers should implement. All marketing automation platforms will have these common features and allow you to executive these workflows.


1. Marketing Qualified Lead Workflows

You have to set up an MQL definition in your company before starting this workflow. Lead scoring is on the metrics to consider lead as MQL. You should provide points or scores to each lead based on their action (email opens, clicks, download, submission, page views, etc). If they reach a certain score (like 100 points) or submit a demo form or submitted any important form on your website and download. Then you can move the lead into MQL.

For MQL leads, set up internal workflow when contacts reach the MQL stage automatically sales team should get notification about lead status, So immediately they can follow up and convert them into sales qualified leads.


2. Re-Engagement Workflow

This workflow for inactive leads. Leads that previously were engaged but quite a few times ago stopped engaging with your content and brand. It does not mean they are not interested, they feel nothing interesting in your content or they may be looking for other products. You should not lose hope on those leads. Instead, you should set up a re-engagement workflow.

If leads are not engaged for a certain period of time then you can create a re-engagement workflow. You have to send them special offers, company updates, surveys, industry reports, webinar recording, and impressive content that’s performed well. Whatever content you want to send, make sure it’s personalized.


3. Form Submission Workflow

For any lead nurturing program the basic goal is to convert leads into MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead). It’s necessary to have this process automated. If someone fills your form on your website, it becomes a lead for you. These leads are not ready to buy immediately. So you should create a lead nurturing workflow for those leads. Send them a series of emails that contain valuable offers and context. For each email, set up a goal and action. So leads can move through the funnel based on their action and give points for each action. This entire process will effectively move leads into MQL.


4. Subscription Workflow

How to improve subscriber retention rate? Set up a workflow for new subscribers.If someone subscribes to your blog. Generally, we send new blog post content and newsletter. Apart from sending these content, you should plan for an initial email cadence, so subscribers can get the best and relevant content. Once subscribers enter into the funnel gather more information. Ask their titles, revenue, employee size, budget, timeline by using the dynamic form. Gather information by creating a nurture workflow. Create dynamic fields in the form so you can gather the information that is not available in CRM. This way you can qualify subscribers and improve retention rates by offering appropriate content.


5. Content-Based Workflow

If you have more than two products that serve two different segments. Then It’s better you should create a content-based workflow. Create a workflow based on the product. For instance, someone has visited a Cloud ERP product page 2 times, triggering a nurture program with relevant topics.

Content-based nurture programs provide more value to leads. Sending the right message at the right time is very important. Most of the leads lookout for that information on your website, but when they get it in their inbox they feel happy about your product and services. And also there will be higher chances of converting leads into MQL.


6. Workflow for Opportunity lost

If the sales team marked an opportunity to lost in CRM. Create a nurture campaign that brings back lost opportunities into the sales cycle (once they are ready).

This workflow should create based opportunity lost reasons. For example

  • If an opportunity is lost because of budget constraints, create a nurture program that offers a special discount or deal.
  • If an opportunity is lost because of competitors,  Send them a comparison report, reviews, product capability, and efficiency type of content.
  • Lost opportunity leads are not the end of the buyer’s journey. Instead, there will be opportunities if you set up the right workflow to entertain lost opportunities.


7. Workflow for Free Trial Sign-Up

Once visitors sign up for a free trial,

  • Immediately you should send a confirmation email. 
  • After one day you should trigger another email that contains a description of the product and how it’s useful for users. 
  • If the subscriber clicks, trigger another email after two days that contains an educational video with the highlighting key features of the product.
  • If subscribers do not meet the criteria then send them the first email after two days.
  • If the Free trial ends a certain period, send a reminder email 5 days before and one more reminder email the day it expires.


8. Subscription Renewal Workflow 

Subscription renewal workflow helps any business that has a recurring business model. Subscription renewal workflow should trigger based on customer renewal date.

If the customer renewal date is 30/ 05 /2021, then should send a series of reminder emails prior to the expiration date.

Reminder 1: Send On 5/05.2021, subscription expiring soon
Reminder 2: Send On 15/05.2021, 15 days left to end your subscription
Reminder 3: Send On 28/05.2021, 2 days left for renewal
Reminder 4: Send On 30/05.2021, your subscription expiring today

With the help of setting up a perfect subscription renewal workflow, you can increase customer retention rates and profits.


Marketers are always looking out to streamline the marketing process in their company. Workflows are an exceptional approach to simplify your internal processes. Marketing automation will help you to generate more qualified leads and close more deals. Also, you can measure the success of your marketing efforts.

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