Every marketer should know about spam trigger words that lead your email into spam. Email spam is a common issue in email marketing. There are many reasons to email going to spam and spam trigger words are one of them.
In this article, we’ll look into the realm of email spam and explore some common trigger words marketers should avoid using to maintain their email marketing effectiveness and reputation. Understanding these spam words will empower you to create engaging, authentic, and deliverable content that stands a far better chance of reaching your target audience’s primary inbox.
What are email spam trigger words?
Email spam trigger words are words or phrases that when used in an email’s subject line or content can potentially trigger spam filters. Spam filters are algorithms used by email providers to automatically detect and divert unsolicited or unwanted emails into the recipients’ spam or junk folders.
Using certain spam words, especially in combination with other suspicious characteristics (such as excessive use of punctuation or all caps), can increase the likelihood of your email being flagged as spam. When your emails are consistently marked as spam, it can harm your sender reputation, leading to decreased deliverability rates and affecting the overall success of your email marketing campaigns.
172 email spam trigger words to avoid
In your marketing emails, some words should be used rarely. Let’s explore the most common spam trigger words and identify which ones you should avoid using in your copy.
- Act Now
- 100% free
- Amazing
- Congratulations
- Guarantee
- No credit check
- Limited time offer
- Cheap
- Discount
- Money-back
- Winner
- Cash
- Click below
- Buy direct
- Hidden
- Double your income
- Earn extra cash
- Extra income
- Free Consultation
- Order now
- Reverses aging
- Risk-free
- Special Promotion
- Urgent
- Weight loss
- As seen on
- 50% off
- Affordable
- Certified
- Deal
- Increase sales
- Instant
- Lose weight
- No fees
- One time
- Removes wrinkles
- Satisfaction guaranteed
- Save big
- This isn’t a scam
- Trial
- Valuable
- Earn $$$
- You are a winner!
- Act fast
- Free sample
- Apply now
- Avoid bankruptcy
- Bargain
- Best price
- Big bucks
- Billing address
- Bonus
- Cash bonus
- Clearance
- Compare rates
- Credit card offers
- Debt-free
- Fast cash
- Financial freedom
- Free Gift
- Great offer
- Hidden assets
- Increase traffic
- Instant cash
- Insurance
- Investment
- Join millions
- Junk
- Loans
- Last chance
- Million dollars
- Money-making
- Mortgage rates
- Don’t delete
- No catch
- No credit
- Allowance
- Open
- Opportunity
- Performance
- Pre-approved
- Prize
- Refinance
- Remove
- Reverse
- Save big money
- Search engine listings
- Serious cash
- Stock alert
- Stop snoring
- Teen
- Unsecured credit
- Vacation offers
- Viagra
- Warranty
- What are you waiting for?
- While supplies last
- Win
- Work at home
- You have been selected
- Your income
- Be your own boss
- Billing
- Billion dollars
- Collect child support
- Consolidate debt
- Earnings
- For free
- Get out of debt
- Investment decision
- Money back
- One hundred percent free
- Per day
- Social security number
- While you sleep
- You’re a winner!
- Access
- Amazing deal
- Apply online
- Cancel at any time
- Confidentially on all orders
- Dear friend
- Direct email
- Double your cash
- Free and FREE
- Get it now
- Get paid
- Giving away
- Hidden charges
- Home-based
- Income
- Join millions of Americans
- Long-distance phone offer
- Lose weight spam
- Make Money
- No hidden costs
- Medicine
- Meet singles
- Name brand
- No age restrictions
- Marketing
- Passwords
- Pure profit
- Save up to
- No medical exams
- No-obligation
- Not spam
- Offer
- No hidden fees
- Pennies a day
- Prizes
- Promise you
- No interest
- Real thing
- Requires initial investment
- No investment
- Spam
- Success
- Link
- The following form of information
- This isn’t junk
- Undisclosed
- Unsolicited
- Unsubscribe
- Vacation
- Viagra and other drugs
- Wants credit card
- We hate spam
- Why pay more?
- Will not believe your eyes
- You are a winner
- No cost
Make use of spam testing tools to check for spam words in your emails. Tools like GlockApps, InboxAlly, Litmus, and MailerCheck can enhance your email deliverability and response rate.
When and under what circumstances can you use email spam trigger words?
Generally, it’s better to avoid using email spam trigger words in your email marketing campaigns. While it might be tempting to use these words to grab attention or create a sense of urgency, it’s important to remember that the primary goal is to provide value to your subscribers while staying within the guidelines of email best practices and spam regulations.
There are a few exceptional cases where you might use some spam words strategically, but you should exercise caution:
1. Limited promotional campaigns
If you’re running a time-sensitive promotion or flash sale, you might use spam words like “limited time offer” or “act now” sparingly to create urgency. However, combine these words with clear and transparent messaging to maintain trust with your subscribers.
2. Segment-specific targeting
In some cases, specific trigger words might be relevant to a particular segment of your email list. For example, if you have a health and wellness segment, using words like “weight loss” might be acceptable. However, ensure that you have explicit consent from these subscribers to receive such content.
3. Reclamation efforts
If you’re trying to re-engage inactive subscribers or win back customers, you might use trigger words in re-engagement emails to grab their attention. However, focus on providing valuable content rather than solely relying on trigger words.
Remember, even in these cases, it’s essential to use trigger words sparingly and always prioritize delivering value to your subscribers. Overusing these words, especially in a deceptive or misleading manner, can harm your sender reputation, lead to high spam complaints, and decrease your email deliverability rates.
Can spam words affect the entire email?
Yes, spam trigger words can indeed affect the entire email. When you use spam trigger words in your email subject line, sender name, or content, it can increase the likelihood of your email being flagged as spam by email filters. The presence of these spam words along with other suspicious elements like excessive use of punctuation, all caps, or irrelevant content can negatively impact your email deliverability.
If your email is flagged as spam it may not even reach your subscribers’ inbox. Instead, it could be diverted to their spam or junk folder. This directly impacts your email marketing campaign and results in lower open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement.
Here’s an example of a spam email using words like “Claim,” “Credits,” and “Free” in the content. ISPs detect such emails as spam and move them to the junk folder.
Final Thoughts
Using spam words in your content, preview text, and subject line is not recommended in email marketing. It’s best to avoid these spam words to ensure a better campaign response. Choose the best email marketing platform that detects spam words before sending an email. While there may be rare exceptions where you can use few words to promote your product. Using them regularly can cause issues with email deliverability. So, for a successful email campaign, it’s wise to steer clear of spam words and focus on delivering valuable content to your subscribers.
In the ever-evolving landscape of email spam filters, remember that staying on the right side of ethical marketing practices will yield more significant long-term benefits. As you continue your email marketing journey, let your creativity, innovation, and dedication to your audience be your guiding lights. By keeping best practices in mind, you can forge a successful path in email marketing and foster meaningful connections with your subscribers for years to come.